Friday, January 30, 2015

Get Back on Track!!!


So many people struggle with this... It is actually one of the reasons that most people fail to get fit. It's not the initial motivation to get healthy that is the problem... but it is the CONSISTENCY.
You're on again, off again attitude toward fitness will always hold you back. Then comes the many excuses... "I don't have time"... "I work to much"... "I'm gonna start back as soon as things calm down in my life"... "I'll start fresh next week"... And the list goes on and on and on.


The problem with this attitude is that it is self-sabotage. You could get so much further along with just a little more consistency. Getting fit is not about an excitement (though it is good to be excited about it), but it is more about a decision to keep working at improving your health day by day for the rest of your life. It's not a fad diet, or quick fix exercise solution. It's day by day decisions that you make, and it's sticking to them. That's how you get fit. 

But what happens if I fall of the wagon? What if I stop for a while? What if I miss days?

That can be really discouraging for some people, but all you need to do when those things happen... because they WILL... is get back up and get back going as fast as possible. Life will always be a little unfair and throw some curve balls at you, but you must be ready to strike out and then get back up and swing again. 

The most important thing is to get back up and get back at it. Don't quit. If you fall off, pick yourself up. The workout that you missed today, doesn't have to mean that you miss tomorrow. The cheat meal that you ate today, doesn't have to be another one tomorrow. You must have discipline. Even if you stop, it's not too late to start back up! 

So, if you fell off, get back up TODAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Its specifically for me. Like this motivational attitude. Thanks
