Monday, February 8, 2016

Doing JUST ENOUGH, when you can't do more

Have you ever woken up one morning and realized that you haven't blogged for almost a full calendar year??? I hope not! But I did. 
Sorry to all of you who were following this blog. But the good news is... I'm back. 

And I have a tip for you today that will be really helpful when you go through things like I went through for the past year or so. So here it is:

For the past 11 months or so, I was given a new position in the work I do, in a new location, with new hours, and the schedule became much more demanding than it formerly was. 
So what do you think happened as a result??? Of course... my workout regime was broken. Well... I wouldn't actually say broken... but it was definitely interrupted... GREATLY. 

I can't blame it all on the work, because the work I do is ALWAYS demanding and the hours are always long and sometimes exhausting (mentally more than physically). But something about this current place just threw me off. I would say for the first time ever to the extent that it did. 

I mean I just could not get into a rhythm. It seemed like every time I would say.. "ok, I've got it, I will work out this day, this day and this day", something would come up for work that was so important that I couldn't do it. And then I would be all frustrated and annoyed that I set a schedule and had to change. 

So making a long story short, it has been roughly one year that I have been off of my four to five day a week (three day minimum) workout schedule. And though I feel the difference, I can say that I have NEVER given up completely. And that is the point of this post. I didn't want to write to you throughout this year, because I didn't want to be a hypocrite that talks about something that they don't do... But then I discovered that my passion for fitness has not faded, nor has my willingness and desire to help others with it. I just ran into a few obstacles that slowed the process. But those obstacles are called LIFE. And it happens and there is nothing you can do sometimes. 

But one this I have done this entire year is to workout at least once per week. 

You may say "Once a week, that's nothing!" And you're right. It's not enough. But it has been just enough to keep the "fire burning". To not allow me to get completely out of shape and as well to keep the habit of exercising burning inside. Because you know people say the longer you don't do something, the easier it becomes NOT to do it. So I needed to keep doing it and making time, even when there was literally no time at all. 

And I personally think everyone can do that. If you are like me and your schedule right now is super hectic. You have to squeeze in time for your workout. Maybe sleep an extra hour late. Or wake up 30mins early, or walk the stairs all the time at work. And on your day off, when you want to sleep extra, take an hour and do a solid workout. But one thing you can't do is make excuses for doing NOTHING. That just doesn't fly. 

Force yourself to do as much exercise as you can each week, and don't miss any opportunities that you have to get a workout in. Trust me... Your body will thank you for it.